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Statements: 2018

Revolutionary Cuba’s sixty years of anti-imperialist struggle (18 December 2018)
Political statement (10 December 2018)
Celebrating war shows the limits of Irish nationalism (9 November 2018)
State budget protects the interests of the Irish ruling class (10 October 2018)
The attack on public transport must be resisted and defeated (3 October 2018)
Response to the minister for housing (24 July 2018)
Congratulations to Palestinian solidarity activists (13 July 2018)
The repeal of the anti-woman 8th Amendment (26 May 2018)
The killing fields of Gaza (16 May 2018)
The housing crisis continues to worsen (4 May 2018)
The housing crisis (3 May 2018)
Repeal the 8th! (10 April 2018)
Positive and active neutrality versus NATO and the EU (29 March 2018)
Apartment guidelines show a government with no answers (14 March 2018)
The privatisation of refuse collection is a complete failure (14 March 2018)
Abortion rights in Northern Ireland (25 February 2018)
Fine Gael’s new spin (22 January 2018)
An establishment and a state tied up in nearly a century of class war against the poor (17 January 2018)
Public welfare second to private greed (8 January 2018)
Peter Sutherland: A lackey to the interests of imperialism (7 January 2018)

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